V400 Rev XLVI: 7 Shofar VII - Dragon Pt B, Last Exodus & Cast Down (Rev12:7-18/)

2 years ago

V400 Book of Revelation XLVI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Angry Dragon, Part B, Last Exodus & Cast Down from Heaven (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a)
Website article: www.nccg.org/lev20230212.html
Duration: 1 hour 23 minutes

"Shabbat Shalom kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah and welcome to Part 46 and to a resumation of our study of the Book of Revelation which has had to be punctuated occasionally by special messages. The deeper we get into this book the sharper becomes the contrast between truth and lies, the more brutal the conflict which was pricipitated by both numan and angelic sin and rebelliousness; but alongside all of this has been the constant assurance and hope of a glorious future for the faithful. Furthermore, we must always have eyes eye on the end-game - the promised future - because it is what drives that hope and future. We know how it all ends! This conflict, between good and evil, is a terrible one, and every generation plays its part - we have a part, you and I have a part - and our contribution is not at all insignificant. We all have our bit to do in the building of the Kingdom. It is in this battle that our true character is revealed, for good and evil. Here we show ourselves and one another who we really are. So my prayer, as we once more return to the Story, is that we may be found true. May the words we one day hear from Him who died for us, and now lives for us, be: I am happy with you for what you have done for the Kingdom of Elohim (God). I have seen your heart, that you love Me and that you love My Bride. Receive the reward of the blessed...."

Book of Revelation: www.nccg.org/book_of_revelation.html
Last Exodus: www.nccg.org/exodus_last.html
Penultimate Judgment: www.nccg.org/mishpat_yahweh.html
Preexistence: www.nccg.org/preexistence.html
Reincarnation: www.nccg.org/reincarnation.html
Deliverance: www.nccg.org/deliverance/index.html

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