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3am at my home the gym

2 years ago

Tredeau may have taken everything but i am coming back. The light will shine on me again .

I will start where my life began in the gym. I will be the beast once feared by all. Currently i am at 20% of what i was. Very disappointed that i lost so much even my health due to fungal infections which destroyed my thyroid and endrocrine system. But i lost my strength and endurance.

Fuck tredeau and his corrupt empire and our terrible healthcare which did nothing so i had to go to the usa and private.

Canada is a useless country that only causes suffering and misery and the politicians are making hand over fist

I lost everything with my invasive fungal infections our useless healthcare and tredeau and his jab or no job treason.

I may not have a actual home but i have the gym and the fighting ring. Thats all i need

My strength will be my salvation once again.

Tredeau and Ford can shove their mold homes and rentals up their arse .

Hell is coming and i will be bringing it. Elitists must fall. They only cause misery pain and suffering to the middle class and poor

You took our health away. Locked us down and banned gyms . You corrupt politicians caused good food to be expensive.

You are trying to weaken people tried to take away all of the forearms.

Canadian government is tyrannical Criminal and we the people cannot rely on the police who have failed. We cannot wait for the corrupt criminal justice system.

We must take the country back while we can.

Tredeau Ford and Tory and all the minions will pay for all this.

THIS will not stand. Canadians need to pick up their balls and stand up for once. Not with shouting or signs.

Government must fall for crimes and corruption period

Vaccine to give myocarditis.
Closed gyms
Pushed woke agenda making masculinity bad.
Taking away guns
Weakened the people and their ability to stand up for justice.

At best ppl wave flags and honk which is a absolute disgrace bc it does nothing you weak snowflakes


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