Discussion with Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi NEWS from the Royal Palace in Thailand.

1 year ago

Source: neutralswiss

Pascal (Swiss banker) here is the one who put in CRIMINAL FILINGS against the current Swiss President at his local police station back in December and the Swiss Attorney General and has taken up an investigation as the Swiss President was still calling the BIOWEAPON "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" even months after Pfizer executives publicly stated they were NOT safe and effective.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi talks about his vacation to Thailand where Thai activists set up Dr Bhakdi with a meeting with the Thai Medical Authorities showing that they were LIED to about this "vaxxine". They are now AWAKE and have kicked out the Vaccine Makers as they KNOW it caused the Thai Kings 44-year old daughter to go into a coma 23 days later and she is still in a coma.

Personal Note from Libertarian99 (February 11th 2023): My father inlaw just died 2 hours ago today due to the BIOWEAPON he took in late 2021. He was a physically hard working carpenter who LOVED to work even at 63 years of age but after taking the BIOWEAPON thinking he would get some extra "FREEDOMS" his foot immediately swelled up to the size of a Football where his doctor wanted to amputate it. We said "NO WAY!" to that and gave him natural vitamins & minerals and his foot recovered after a month but he was not able to go back to his regular work as he was not the same person after the BIOWEAPON. My wife noticed this immediately.

In December 2022 his stomach grew and he was not able to eat much and unable to go to the bathroom and another doctor told him he has parasites eating at his liver so he was taking medication and was at our house in bed for a full week recently as we wanted him to recover as he was in constant pain and he left our house on February 7th and he looked like an AIDS patient with no energy and just skin & bones as he was hardly able to wave at me as he was leaving our house.

On February 9th he had to be admitted to hospital as it got worse and they put lots of tubes into his body. I told my wife a couple days ago she should expect the worse case scenario that he might die and to spend time at the hospital with him as much as she could and she got the phone a couple hours ago that her father had passed away. All this originating from an experimental mRNA injection that government officials were touting as SAFE & EFFECTIVE.
I can't wait for Justin Trudeau to come up under criminal charges and all these other psychopathic WEF leaders running countries for their satanic cult leaders.

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