Interview 416 with Niko Sofianos & Juan Antonio Manzur

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"When the thoughts are calmly collected and imagination is properly directed, the dots are easily connected." - Niko Sofianos
Niko Sofianos is a revolutionary artist, innovator, and thought-leader exemplifying the gifts (and curses) of the commonly misunderstood, yet incredibly powerful indigo children of the 21st century. His earlier career as a world renowned fitness model led him down a dark but crucial path in his awakening. Along this path was a very personal confrontation with what is known by insiders as the illuminati - a group of elites who dominate the entertainment industry.
While touring the world in the entertainment industry, Niko quickly learned the “dance” and realized the inevitable ill fate that came with the promise of stardom. 2 years later, he embarked on a quest for redemption through isolation, meditation, repentance and ultimately research. His journey led him to the heart of religion and what the establishment has long hidden.
Being left-handed and highly right brain dominant, Niko’s ability to ‘connect the dots’ along his path allowed him to easily demystify and efficiently explain the correlation of all things esoteric.
He founded Spartan Productions in 2004 - a Toronto based independent music label that coached and developed conscious artist. His mission was an effort to mobilize a brigade of what he called SpARTists. This type of artist is s/he who used their voice as the metaphorical weapon of choice to fight the ‘good’ fight.
He launched Project YOUniverses in 2013 - a project that gave a platform to over 30 artists from around the world to share their perspectives in a verse over humanarian themed songs. Featuring titles such as War On Humanity, the project not only exposed the lies of 9-11, but also united rappers and singers to speak up and join forces in A Common Goal.
Today, Niko continues to humbly share his knowledge and discoveries as a speaker, teacher and coach through his brain child, FiTHOP - a patented pedagogical system of developing the SpARTist within

Juan Antonio Manzur was born 1969 in Montreal, Qc Canada
At the age of 18 in 1988, joined the Canadian Armed Forces as an infanteer and transfered to medical assistant/combat medic in 1991.
Did 3 tours over seas and later on taught young, soon to be medics, at Canadian Forces Base Borden from 2004-2009.
After loosing a few friends and suffering the loss of a few of his students in Afghanistan he had a huge awakening.. found out that 9/11 was not what we were told and so on...
Released from the forces in 2014 he has dedicated his life to truth. He shares his journey and teaches what he has discovered in hopes of encouraging others to discover their spiritual path and purpose.

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