Aaron Siri (Part 2): The Vaccine Paradigm Led to Coercion and Conflicted Health Agencies | TEASER

2 years ago

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“I was always told that vaccines are safe. And if a product is safe, why do you need to give the manufacturer…essentially immunity to liability for the injuries that that product causes? Because if it's safe, certainly in the way that our public health authorities project it safe to the public, there shouldn’t be any injuries, or there should be one in a million, as you often hear.”

In part one of my interview with Aaron Siri, managing partner of Siri and Glimstad, he explained how in 1986, vaccine manufacturers were struggling to make a profit due to liability costs exceeding their revenue. To keep them in business, the federal government granted them immunity from lawsuits that claimed injury or death as a result of their product.

“COVID vaccines didn't enter into a vacuum. They were rolled into a very long established paradigm and way things are done,” says Siri. “They had a narrative around natural immunity that they determined fit in with their policy. And then the studies followed to make it fit.”

In part two, we discuss natural immunity from COVID-19 and the safety review periods in clinical trials of other vaccines, such as Hepatitis B.

“147 kids. Five days of safety monitoring after injection. There's no indication there was a control group,” says Siri. “COVID-19 vaccines - they were called ‘rushed.’ They said the clinical trials were rushed. They said development was rushed. But the reality is the clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccines that the average American received, compared to the clinical trials for almost every childhood vaccine, were the most robust studies that have been done on vaccines.”

We also look at the conflicts of interest between America’s health agencies and pharmaceutical companies.

“Think about this business model. You have a vaccine. You can't be sued for harms. You have a guaranteed market because kids are required to get it for school. And your health agencies promote it for you and defend against any harm,” says Siri.

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shutterstock Images: https://shutr.bz/2u8Zdp8
Music: Audioblocks.com, epidemicsound.com
Stock Video: Videoblocks.com

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