Trump Statement: AGENDA 47 Reclaiming American Energy Dominance 🔥🔥🔥

1 year ago

Trump Statement: AGENDA 47 Reclaiming American Energy Dominance

“I will deplore a team of warrior lawyers to hunt down every unnecessary regulation in the federal registry that hampers domestic production and we will wipe them off the books. We will again get out of Paris, and we will rapidly issue approvals for all worthy energy infrastructure projects, with a focus on maximum speed to bring prices down rapidly. So get those proposals ready now!…”

“Instead of being irrationally terrified by political predictions of Climate Apocalypse, instead of toiling for low wages or left-wing make work projects, I have a vision that will give young Americans the chance to find real meaning in work once again!”

“Nobody has more liquid gold under their feet than the United States of America. And we will use it and profit by it, and live with it, and we will be rich, happy, and proud again.”

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