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February 11, 2023

2 years ago

z_truth_z 👑GIVI 💛 two days ago was the 6th anniversary of the passing Of Givi.. An absolute legend from the Donbass.. He was an extremely well respected commander in the Somali battalion in Donetsk, it was men like him in the Donbass that held their ground against the Nazis for 8 years.. Since 2014 the Ukrainian Nazis/ DS/ US regime change shelled the Donbass region.. For not accepting the new regime under the US.. The Donbass wanted to be independent from the US and closer to their neighbours Russia.. They understand their traditions, and honoured their forefathers that defended the Motherland from Hitler....

Battalions like the ones under Givi, held their ground against the new Nazis.. They lost 14000 men, woman and children to Kievs shelling, yet they still held their ground💪

on the 8th of February, 2017 Givi was assassinated by the Kiev regime, by planting a bomb in an office, He has shown great strength and Glory to all those that refuse and rebel against the DS machine.. He was and is truly a Legend 👑🙏👑

RIP GIVI, and I know you are smiling now, in 2022, just a couple years later, the Donbass region is now protected under Russia, and all of Russias might stands right behind the Donbass, cleaning up those Nazis today.. And my brother, Retribution for these pigs are in process


  • 0/2000
  • Rip Givi, Somaly battalion continues...

  • Where is the full footage of this?

  • a man's man! a soldiers soldier! a hero's hero! Givi was the real deal! REST IN HEAVEN GIVI ☦️

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