02.04.2023 - China Balloons, Child Protection & Parental Rights

2 years ago


Peter Huessy, Senior Fellow, The Hudson Institute, GeoStrategist and expert on China
MD State Senator Bill Folden, Law Enforcement Officer & 2A Advocate
Jaime Brennan, Founder, Frederick County Moms For Liberty, Child Protection Advocate
The Jen Charlton Show, Tellin' It Like It Is! show about:

China Balloons and their agenda,
the 2A battle in the legislature and
Child Protection in our educational school systems.
Peter Huessy discusses China, MD Senator Bill Folden 2A legislation, and Jaime Brennan shares the efforts by the MD State Board of Education to codify CRT & the sexualization of our children in the school system curriculum starting at age 5! Outrageous and disturbing facts you need to know.

Parents please write, call and attend hearings in Annapolis about these outrageous abuses of our children, liberties and our country. Please Stand Up and protect our youth from the Maryland State Board of Education and protect our second amendment rights from the dismissal of our shall carry rights (SB01) as protected by the SCOTUS decision in 2022. (See previous January shows for bill tracking information)

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