[The Chasm World Quest] Says He Who Seeks Stone

1 year ago

[The Chasm World Quest] Says He Who Seeks Stone

NOTE: Head to The Chasm camp area and look for Muning.

00:07 Talk to Muning
01:19 Obtain 3 Archaic Stones for Muning

Look for at least 3 Archaic Stones.
See [The Chasm Guide] Where to find all Archaic Stones 9/9

01:27 Archaic Stones 1
Go to The Chasm's Statue of the Seven then head south until you see a Spoutrock. Jump once you get on top of the Spoutrock, then glide southwest. You will see the Archaic Stone at the edge of a cliff surrounded by Rock Shield Hilichurl Guard, Blazing Axe Mitachurl, and two Geo Slimes.

02:35 Archaic Stones 2
From the Archaic Stones 1, continue to glide southeast until you reach the Tiangong Gorge area. You will see the Archaic Stone surrounded by Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl, and three Hilichurls.

04:03 Archaic Stones 3
From Archaic Stones 2, head east until you reach the Glaze Peak. Follow through the terrain until you reach a cliff. If you also run into a Stone Lawachurl on the way, you're in the correct place. You will see the Archaic Stone surrounded by 3 Exploding Geo Mushrooms.

05:00 Archaic Stones 4
From Archaic Stones 3, jump over the cliff and glide northeast. Follow through the terrain until you reach another cliff with a broken wooden pillar near two Quingxin flowers. You will also find Skyfeather which is for [World Quest] The Millennial Mountains. Ring of Air will also activate once you reached the cliff. Use it to glide and it will direct you to the location of the Archaic Stone.

06:15 Archaic Stones 5
Go to the Lumberpick Valley waypoint. Climb on the hill then glide southwest until you see a Spoutrock with Anemo Slime on top of it. Jump once you get on top of the Spoutrock to reach the top of the cliff then glide to the west following the terrain (or you can climb the cliffside as well then walk/run west). If you run to a Unique Stone surrounded by several Geo Elemental Tower then you are in the right direction. You will find the Archaic Stone near the cliff surrounded by two Quingxin flowers.

07:20 Archaic Stones 6
From Archaic Stones 5, glide west of the cliff then follow the terrain until you reach Cinabar Cliff area. Archaic Stone is by the cliff surrounded by two Quingxin flowers.

08:36 Archaic Stones 7
Go to The Surface waypoint then head inside the mine. Archaic Stone is just below the second bridge which is near the waterfalls. It is also near the Hilichurl.
NOTE: I accidentally collected the stone during [Liyue World Quest] The Chasm Delvers: Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering : https://youtu.be/62-lEipIn0g

09:35 Archaic Stones 8
Go to The Chasm's Statue of the Seven, jump over the cliff then glide south until you see a bridge and an opening of a pit. If you see a bridge with floating Anemo Slimes then you are heading the right direction. Once you reached the opening of the pit, glide down until you reach the bottom of the pit. Archaic Stone is next to the Geo Pillar.

10:27 Archaic Stones 9
Go to the Tiangong Gorge waypoint then head southeast until you reach the Spoutrock. Jump once you get on top of the Spoutrock then glide to another Spoutrock. Jump again then glide east. Archaic Stone can be found with two Geo Crystalflies above it.

11:11 Head back to Muning and hand over 3 Archaic Stones.
NOTE: The other 6 will be used for [Hidden Exploration Objective] Muning's Never-Ending Needs

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