Revelation Mathew 13

1 year ago

Description of Video
A quick summary of the video is listed below along with all other videos! Please scroll below to find them!

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Channel Intent
These videos are for All People, from all Nations, all Languages, all Races, without Discrimination, we are but spirits with names and nothing more, as God wrote in book of Revelation, for anyone who can hear what the spirit speaks to them, let them hear. This channel is pure spirituality for all God’s children! These words are inspired by our true God, YHWH, who is all those who have lived and have died who were righteous! This channel does not relate itself with any religion of the world today, in the past, or in the future! This channel is about everyone having a personal relationship with God!

Original Revelation
The Aramaic to English translation of the book of revelation. This is as close as you are going to get to the language spoken by Yeshua Barr Joseph aka Jesus Christ and his followers. Enjoy

Original Scriptures
Link to original Aramaic to English translation of the bible! Find out what you have been missing! Find out what they have changed through the countless translations! I highly recommend you read the scriptures as written from right to left in the same spirit as they were written. It is critical to them in this manner in order for the spirit of the writer to enlighten you!

Great Resource
Another great source for original scriptures. Plus the search features is really powerful! I highly recommend using this if you are doing research into specific words or topics.

The Testimony of the Protestants
The testimony of all the Protestants killed by Roman Catholics and more! Every Christian needs to read this! Know your churches and what they have done! Also, this is the primary reason why people don’t understand how the end of humanity is going to occur or Revelation!

Previous Videos Released:

Revelation Praying
What did Jesus say about those at the altar who pray for you? Where did Jesus say to go and pray? In this video, you will find the reason why Jesus said that and why God said you will get what you need when you don’t expect it!

Revelation Demons
What are demons? Are they real or mythical? Why is Jesus always by the sea? Do you want to know the brutal truth about demons and how to cast them out? This and more in the video!

Revelation The Eyes of God
Do you want to understand God?
Do you want to understand the Prophecies?
Do you want to understand the Ages?
Do you want to understand the Symbology?
Do you want to understand the Judgment?
This is your chance to understand what is happening to the world!
Its an hour long video revealing the important things you should know!
Free yourself from the chains!

Revelation How viscous is Religion?
The brutal truth about religion that most religions try to hide! For those seeking the truth, watch this video!

Revelation Mathew 13
In this video, I will read Mathew 13 and we will find out what Jesus had to say about the end times. Also, who is coming during the end. He will explain the parables or symbology himself and point us to the prophecies for more answers. We will find out why a lot of people could not hear him back then and why they wont be able to hear him now! Finally, we will learn how many were in his whole family.

Revelation The Bible
I decided to make a video about the bible with information which I find useful and I feel like everyone out there shoud at minimum be aware of. It is important in my opinion to know the truth and this video will help you come closer to the truth you are seeking! A must watch for those looking for the source of the scriptures!

Revelation the Ten Commandments
Here is the link for the video content!

Revelation The Whale from Jobe
Lets find out who is the whale from Jobe( should be Johan )! At the same time, lets find out what fishermen symbolize is the scriptures! Get ready to be shocked!

Revelation the King is Coming
Religion tells us the king is coming but is this the case! Lets hear closely what Jesus told us in the parable! The shocking answer is in the video!

Revelation The Spirit of the Lamb
How did I get all the wisdom for the scriptures? How do I find the truth and attain wisdom? How can you get the spirit of the truth or the Lamb as if Slain in you? This short video explains how it came to be for me!

Revelation King Herod Story
Did king Herod really kill all the children as religion says? Is there historical evidence of this happening? Would the king do this in his benefit? All these answers and more in another shocking Revelations!

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