A Good Coach Always Sees The Positive In Themselves And Their Clients

2 years ago

Coaching from a place of positivity helps everyone, especially the client. At the end of the day, we're doing all this work in order to make ourselves better, so we might as well put happiness at the top of the list!

I’ve known Matt Drinkhahn for a while now, as he is yet another friend of mine that I met through the Front Row Dads Foundation. Matt started at the bottom cutting grass and waiting tables, and wanted more. Also like everyone else I know, his first big gig was selling Cutco knives. Through this one job though, he learned how to run his own business. Today he is a successful coach for leaders of million and billiion dollar companies. Join us to learn how he did it!

In his own words: I’m Coach Matt Drinkhahn and I’m a committed father and husband! Professionally, I help Leaders and their Teams live up to their own standards. If you are looking for balance, profit, culture, connection, productivity, attitude, simply having fun at work, etc….you name the result and I coach the Team to live the standards that will achieve it. Message me for collaboration and leveling up!

What I do:
- Teach how to deepen internal company relationships through feedback and conversational practice, a skill not usually taught or even practiced…EVER.
- Help companies run better Team Huddles that keep everyone accountable and making progress towards their stated goals.
- Teach teams to give a “first class” experience to their ideal clients and their Teammates.
- Build and coach customized client interaction systems to exceed their expectations and increase favorable introductions coming into the Firm.
- Speak at company all-hands meetings, offsite retreats, and leadership huddles on Teamwork, Client-Centricity, People Development, and Performance Mindset

Please email matt@proadvisorcoach.com to connect and see how coaching may be able to serve you and your company. Also we can schedule a 1-1 review of your MindScan, our proprietary assessment which measures thinking biases and clarity. The research for this tool was done by Dr. Robert S. Hartman, who was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 1973.

Quickly- I'm Scott Groves - Husband, Father, Loan Officer, Coach, Author, Podcaster, and Recent Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

This podcast is paid for and brought to you by.... by me, Scott Groves :-)

Because I think these kind of long form conversations are valuable, I pay for 100% of the production of this show out of my pocket. This channel is FAR from monetization and because of the subject matter, may never be monetized.

I am a Mortgage Loan Officer & Loan Officer Coach in real life. It's the money that I earn, from helping home-buyers and home-owners obtain home-loans, that pays for this show. If you, your friends, or your family are looking for a home loan from an honest Loan Officer, please contact me at Scott@ScottGrovesTeam.com

I can do the loan for you (our team is licensed in 8 states) - OR - I can refer you to an amazing loan officer in the state where you're searching. ON WITH THE SHOW!!!

New Full Episodes are released every THURSDAY at 10:00am and clips are released frequently throughout the week. SO MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE!!!


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