The 7 year tribulation will be hell on earth

1 year ago

When Jesus grabs all His true believers out of this wicked satanic world then it will be hell on earth and the antichrist can start his wicked rein and control the entire world and he will, he will destroy all the churches, bibles, he has no need for that at all, he will say get rid of your beliefs and worship only me!! Thousands of people will just be gone all over the world, graves of true believers will just open up and they will be gone, babies will all be gone, toddlers, children, older people watering their yard and followed Jesus will be gone, nurses will leave the room and the patient is gone, church members see nothing but clothes left by those taken and they are left behind, people will panic like never before and will go crazy, cars will pile up on the highway and accidents will be everywhere, trains killing everyone on board because the driver was a believer and gone, planes falling out of the sky because the pilots followed Jesus and were taken and everyone on the plane got left behind, all the so called pastors and church going crowd that played church so much will all be left behind, they will not be taken at all because they are not ready for Jesus or care, they are not wearing the right clothes and did not RSVP so they are left behind, America will be attacked all at once and there is no where to go or escape, God will destroy America for rejecting God and being so wicked, with America out of the way, Israel will be by itself and prime for the antichrist to take over and sit in the third temple in Jerusalem which he will, he has no need for America or Europe at all, he is focused on Israel and making a treaty with the Jews, America will be a black hole and will never come back again, those left behind in America will be dead from nuclear attacks, dead from earthquakes and tsanusmis, killed by the north Koreans, Chinese, Russians and Iranians or taken as prisoners of war, they will not be nice at all, like the Babylonians were not nice when they attacked Jersalem, they starved the people then attacked and killed everyone they saw and took prisoners of war, Daniel and his friends were taken to Babylon and were put in the royal household, the king zedikiah got blinded and his son's killed in front of him, God curses any country that rejects Him and refused to repent, America is Babylon and will fall, the 7 year tribulation will be time of God pouring out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and time of the antichrist, false prophet on the earth, it will be hell on earth and only way out is to be killed for not worshipping the antichrist and getting his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, that is the only way out

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