Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Worship Service - February 12, 2023

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Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

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SUNDAY February 12, 2023

Order of Worship

Theme: The Lord Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd. He will guide and protect in this life no matter what troubles, conflicts or problems enter our life.

Welcome & Call to Worship
“I Sing the Mighty Power of God” #128
“We Bow Down” #154
Prayer & Children’s Story
“Blessed Assurance” #572
“My Shepherd is the Lord” pg 11 in Hymns and Songs
Offering - “To God Be The Glory” #56
Responsive Reading - Psalm 23 #205 (congregation read bold)
Congregational Prayer
Hearing God’s Word
“DoD or DoG, the Demonic State”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“The Solid Rock” #526
Benediction and Postlude

“Demonic State - DoD or DoG”
27th in our series the Prophet Zephaniah

I. The Characteristics of the Millennial Kingdom - Zephaniah 3:9-13
* A. Purity of language, of worship, of service, of unity
* B. Freedom from guilt and shame, from pride and the proud, from all who do not trust the Lord, from all unrighteousness, from all lies and deception

II. Freedom from threats to our God Given Rights - life, liberty, property
* A. The first remnant in Scripture are those who return from the 70 year exile in Babylon - Ezra 2:1
* 1. But this remnant is those who rule and reign with Christ 1000 years following the battle of that Great Day of God Almighty - Revelation 20:4 
* 2. Both remnants went through a terrible time of suffering before being delivered by God into the promised land
* a. The picture of sheep lying down is that they are at rest because they know they are safe
* b. The shepherd who owns the sheep is also safe from wild animals, safe from thieves, safe from war, safe from all danger
* c. His property rights are protected, his wealth is secure
* 3. We are Shepherds but Jesus is also our Shepherd
* B. Jesus as the Good Shepherd - John 10:9-14
* 1. Feeds His flock, protects them from danger - Isaiah 40:11
* 2. We can trust our Lord to protect us even in the times we live in - Matthew 24:21-22
* a. We are the remnant of the Lord, the sheep of His pasture
* b. The only problem, trouble or persecution which can touch us now, is that which is part of His plans to accomplish the end of all things - 2Timothy 4:6-8

Amazing Grace by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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