
2 years ago

February 10, 2023 study - The book of Jude please join us for this study in the book of Jude. In this short one chapter, 25 verse book, there is just so much jam packed in here! Jude issues a warning that really seems more directed at our time than the first century church.

In the after discussion we discuss the dispute over Moses body and “rebuking the devil” and “claiming the blood of Jesus”. We talk about communion and how it should be a sacred time of intimacy and how an unbeliever could actually be bringing judgement on themselves by participating.

If anyone has a question about anything discussed in this video leave me a comment!

And if anyone is interested in joining the discussion with our group live on Friday night’s via zoom, this link below should work, as long as I don’t have any technical problems beyond my control. Our study begins at 7pm USA East coast time/6pm Central time every Friday night. Of course by participating live you might appear on next week’s video!

Click https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5723953008 to join a Zoom meeting

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