[直播] 雋悅工作室 : 2023年 2 月 11 日(星期六) 香港上午10時至12時 講题:Dual System Professional Training in Germany

1 year ago

Title : The success model of Dual System Professional Training in Germany
Speaker:Mr. Thorsten Rauhut
Host:Dr. Law Hing Chung

Brief introduction of content:
Mr. Rauhut will present the German education system and the role of the vocational training. He will explain in detail the function of the dual professional training in general as well as the vocational training program in Hong Kong.

Speaker biography:
Mr. Thorsten Rauhut is the
Director of the German Business Faculty in Hong Kong since 2017.
He has
・several years of professional experience at a vocational school in Germany
・Completion of the I and II state examinations in the context of teacher training
・Master degree in Finance and Banking
・Several years of professional experience in business and insolvency consulting
・Study of Business and Economics, and
・Training as a banker and paramedic

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