1 hour Brown noise for background noise | Deep meditation

1 year ago

1 hour Brown noise for background noise, calming, relaxing | Deep meditation

What is brown noise? Brown noise is similar to white noise, except a much lower frequency. You may be familiar with white noise being used to help babies sleep. Personally I absolutely LOVE IT because extremely soothing, isn't as high pitch as white noise, but also isn't as distracting as music can be at time. It also helps add an extra layer of background to mute out any external noises that may sneak through headphones

you can also use this as background music while cleaning, relaxing, studying, or sleeping.

Brown noise is a type of low-frequency sound produced by the same process that causes so-called Brownian motion. It has nothing to do with color; instead, brown noise gets its name from the 19th-century Scottish botanist Robert Brown, who discovered a certain kind of random microscopic motion that is now referred to as Brownian motion. Brown noise is also known as "red noise" and is characterized by a heavy emphasis on low-frequency sounds.

You've probably heard brown noise without realizing that it had a special name. The rumble of a waterfall, thunder, or heavy rain is very close to brown noise, and many people find the sound soothing and comforting.

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