Lobbing Molotivs: TimCast is Lying

1 year ago

Not that long ago I had never heard of TimCast.
Right about now I'm wishing I could go back in time so I STILL wouldn't know about TimCast.
I find myself reiterating comments I've made in Youtube posts responding to TheQuartering. Comments that I recall at one point attempting to upload to Youtube.
Whether or not Youtube allows those videos to be viewed is a different question though.
So let's get something straight here. Honest people don't tell you to your face that they have been hit by Special Weapons and Tactics with either NoKnock Warrants or Distressed Entry Conditions at the same physical address...
If you make a claim that you got hit by S.W.A.T. 16+ times, you are either flat out lying, or you are deliberately staging the hits... WHICH IS STILL LYING.
So Let's get into exactly why the claims of TimCast don't measure up, don't fit S.W.A.T. training, and reek of grifting.

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