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It is the 110th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, the most famous luxury transatlantic liner in history, in which 1,514 people lost their lives. To date, the details of how this tragedy took place remain a mystery. Is what we have been led to believe actually true, i.e. that the ship hit an iceberg, which ultimately triggered its ruin? Alternatively, could there have been other underlying factors that involve some of the richest people in the world, at that time, namely, the Morgans, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds?

They are not the only ones involved, however. Several theories suggest that the shipyard owner and financier, the ship's captain and others played a role as well, and this is something we must consider, as we strive to learn the real facts surrounding the incident. Why do a number of people implicated in this fateful conspiracy have ties to the Jesuit Illuminati elite of the Vatican and the New World Order? Moreover, what can be said about the plethora of writers who, years before the event, predicted what would happen with a high degree of exactitude? Why did the unethical banker JP Morgan cancel his trip at the last minute – in a move that would save his life?

And what about the mummy the Titanic was carrying as cargo? Although this fact is not well known, it is often referenced as a curse; indeed, several deaths are thought to derive from the mummy's presence on board.
With the sinking of the Titanic, patrons would stop funding Nikola Tesla, the inventor of free energy, and lend their support to the creation of the Federal Reserve, a system that many of the politicians and magnates on board the ship had opposed. Could this have been one of the reasons it sank?

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