Lifestream back door deal Pt 3

2 years ago

Was this a legal move?
back door deal made by Kinnard, Finegan, and Davis?
It was clear Finegan was on board and knew what was going on. See for yourself.
2 MILLION of your money to be given to Lifestream for “services” that the county already pays for.

Is someone getting a kickback?
Why is Gene McGee getting paid to play both sides of this deal?
This was orignally an agenda item for “discussion” Discussion does not allow for a prepared motion with a, b, and c components to be voted on.
Does this STINK of corruption?
View the details tonight for yourself!
A special guest appearance by Leland Shipp with a message for Jeff Kinnard. I am not using his titles. Titles are used out of respect and NO ONE should respect this man.
Good Morning,
1. I am very concerned about the BOCC meeting yesterday and I am requesting any/all backup materials of the Kinnard agenda item L2. The agenda packet contains no materials for this vote. When, were and how did the commissioners receive the "agenda item for vote" Where are the "a.b and c attachments?"

2. How is it possible that Gene McGee represents both sides of this deal? Please explain to me how this is NOT some kind of backdoor deal.

3. The L2 agenda item was for discussion only. How did a vote occur for items "a,b, and c?" And what was a, b, and c?

4. Was public notice required? If not, why not? If so, when did the public get notified? What is the notification requirement 7 days, 24 days?

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