Revenge of the Sccy - Finally Got a Sccy DVG-1 That Works! (Part 2)

1 year ago

Part 2 of The Sccy Is Failing! video.
I have owned a Sccy CPX-2 Pistol for many years. I used to carry it as a back up gun on duty as a police officer. I loved it . . . . except the terribly long double action only trigger. I wished for years that Sccy, an American Company, would produce an affordable striker fired version of their pistols. Finally, they did and I had to get my hands on one.

Unfortunately, the DVG-1 I received was a total lemon. It would not run at all. It kept having stovepipes, failures to feed, failures to extract, etc. So, I sent my long-awaited DVG-1 back to Sccy for repair. They sent it back just as terrible as it was before. New magazines did NOT fix the problem. So, take two. I sent it back to Sccy again. This time, they sent me a completely new DVG-1 and it runs great! It took two attempts at warranty repair, and ultimately a total replacement, but they got me a good one finally.

This video, all filmed in single takes and spliced together, is the first rounds through the new, new DVG-1 Pistol. Sccy made it right.

Disclaimer: This video was filmed on a private range by a trained professional. All firearms were handled in a safe and professional manner. But what do I know?!

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