higher levels of cosmic radiation from the re-polarization of the Sun and Earth.

1 year ago

The hypothalamus is that receiver and responds to give off secretions of chemicals through the hormonal and Chakra system to change the structure of the energy usage or the ATP. This is developed by the timing of the genetic code. The coding is there to change the energy settings and this is the function of the hypothalamus.
The nature of the hippocampus relates to sounding harmony for the reception of inter-dimensional or the coded extraterrestrial intelligence. The hippocampus resides near the ears and rules over the function of clairaudience. The pineal is the third eye and has the sensor perception and will be developed to communicate or send telepathic messages. Pure clairvoyance is an empathic relationship of soul to soul through the crown chakra with the resonance through the heart as well.
The telekinesis function is positioned deep within the brain and is directed by the command center of the thalamus itself.

The hypothalmus is still the overlying time centered controller for the change from this time centered consciousness to the multi-dimensional consciousness. It is centered within the head at the very center.
The electromagnetic etheric body and hence the immune system is being raised in vibration. The manufacturing of artificial drugs is one of society’s biggest problems because these synthetic agents cannot be broken down by the liver.

The hypofunctioning of the liver will create immune deficiency. This will create a global blood cancer and is a great threat to physical life.
The new plague will attack the blood through the de-stabilization. This infection will be of magnetic causes as the blood is transformed because of higher levels of cosmic, gamma, x-ray radiations. Physical remedies of symptoms will not be effective as it is the shifting of the axis of the blood.
The re-polarization of the blood requires each individual to take action to secure his pure blood. This necessity to go back through the generations and find the indications of emotional, mental and spiritual blockages. There can be no clotting for this will be one of the signs of problems, the varicose veins, the arthritis, and cramps in the legs and ankles.
The blood flow is being interacted with by strong electrical impulses. The nature of this intervention of magnetic powers are here to bring forth a new experience of personal truth.

The female body is caring this charge and they will be carrying the disease as well in the genetic code. It is the raising of the vibration necessary for the allowance of the change for transmutation of the human race into a higher vibration of the electromagnetic etheric being.
A new universal approach to wellness will be developed, but only after two to three billion people have died from the magnetic interference of brain waves with the new harmonic sounding of the blood. The blood will arrive at a critical mass where there will be a new energy influx and each cell with transform itself from a red corpuscle into a white. The massive amounts of white corpuscles will eat away the karmic interference patterns in the body for a short time in coincidence with higher levels of cosmic radiation from the re-polarization of the Sun and Earth.

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