20230210 The Best Time To Start Exercising (Rec. 20220825)

1 year ago

There is a best time to start exercising. Not a time of day, but a time in your life.

You know that exercise is beneficial for your health, your immune system, your sleep, your mental health, etc.

The best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago. The next best time is today.

Likewise with exercise, the best time to start exercising is when you're a kid, when your play ceases to be exercise.

All of my 8 year old's play involves motion. All of my teenager's play involves books and screens.

On our trip to the waterfall in Old Quebec City on the return to the car park my 8 y/o wanted to climb up the stairs by the falls. I had to hold him back because his teenaged brother couldn't keep up.

This is the difference between a boy whose play is exercise, and a boy who now needs to exercise for the sake of exercise.

If you didn't do this, if you didn't begin exercising as a kid, the time to start developing the habit of exercise is right now. Today.

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