20220825 Giving Fat Fascist Ford His Due, He's a Helluva Retail Politician

1 year ago

Last summer Ontario's Fascist Premier Ford demonstrated why he is one of the best retail politicians in Canada.

He has been scrambling to address the health care problems that he exacerbated through his idiotic, Fascist vaccine passports and mandates.

Having just enough brains to learn, he got reelected on promising not to Fascist harder than the Liberals and NDP under del Duca and Horwath.

Now, having made the health care crisis worse by firing 20% of the workers, he's scrambling to address the problem. He's dumb, but he's one helluva retail politician.

He absorbed the ideas of the right on COVID policy and reducing the authoritarianism of his first mandate. He ran to the left of the Liberals with a 200 billion budget, economy busting budget. Terrible as his policies are, on a retail political level, they worked, as he increased his majority.

Then at an event where he was making some pronouncement on health care, a bee flew right down his throat.

A fool would try to cover it up, and trigger the Streisand effect. Ford leaned into it, made self deprecating jokes, ribbed the reporters, and turned a possible negative into a positive.

Great retail politics.

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