What is Ascension & Quantum Psionics? with Raquel Sacramento

1 year ago

Streamed live on Jul 16, 2019
Cheri Arellano interviews Raquel Sacramento live from Portugal.

Raquel Sacramento is a certified Holistic Practitioner, Natural Healer, Researcher, Mentor and Teacher.
Raquel started studying and practising Natural Healing & Holistic Therapies over 17 years ago, including many different modalities, such as: Reik (Traditional Usui)i, Ayurveda, Crystal Healing, Colour Healing, Flower Essences, Shamanism, Astrology, Alchemy, Sacred Geometry, Dowsing, Spiritual Healing and Quantum Psionics, amongst other.

Ever since she was a child, Raquel has always been a highly intuitive and sensitive being. She's natural healer who has devoted her Life and spiritual gifts by helping people around the world find inner balance, greater Health and Well-being at all levels, whilst expanding their Consciousness.

She's an eternal student, continually researching and developing new approaches . She loves to combine ancient Spiritual Traditions and Holistic Healing modalities with the latest scientific discoveries, including Vibrational Medicine, Quantum Physics, New Consciousness, Holistic Coaching, and Integral Approaches to Mind & Body Energy Medicine.

Raquel was born in Lisbon, Portugal, as a third generation psychic and healer who received the gift from her sage great-grandmother.Raquel has also lived in France, England and Italy for over 10 years. She's currently living in Cascais, by the Atlantic ocean (near Lisbon), with her 8-year old son.

Raquel has always shown great interest in all Ancient Spiritual Traditions, Healing, Philosophy, History and Egyptology, Metaphysics, Astrology, and Esoteric Science, ever since she was very young.

Raquel also has a background in Law, Marketing, Project Management and Business Strategy, but she left the corporate world over 15 years ago, due to her higher calling for spiritual Healing and teaching.

She's passionate about supporting personal transformation and deep healing, as a way of reaching and manifesting our highest potential and creativity, for the Highest Good.
She believes that's an essential process for the evolution of Human Consciousness , supporting personal and collective Ascension in these challenging times of change on Earth.

She's also been practicing Yoga and Meditation for over 25 years, having traveled to over 35 countries around the world on her spiritual journey:
- from the great temples of Egypt and Mexico, to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the magic of Bali, Morocco, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, USA, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and many other.

"This Alchemical Process of Self-Transformation aims to bring us ever closer to our True Being and our Soul's Path, opening our Hearts to greater Love and the Infinite Life." - Raquel Sacramento.

Raquel's healing and mentoring sessions are now reaching hundreds of people around the world, helping to integrate the spiritual dimension and the Eternal Laws fully into our daily lives, through the understanding of the Unity of Life.

Between 2012 and 2017, Raquel was the founder and director of "Nova Terra" -a large Natural Healing Centre, located in the beautiful town of Cascais, near Lisbon, in Portugal.

Raquel also organises and leads spiritual trips to sacred sites in Portugal and around the planet. She organises and runs spiritual retreats, courses, workshops, and many other events.

Healing sessions with Raquel may include:
· Quantum Psionics®
· Advanced Dowsing
· DNA reprogramming
· Crystal Healing
· Colour Therapy
· Flower and Vibrational Essences
· Reiki
· Energetic Clearing
· Chakra and Aura Alignment
· Guided Healing Meditations
· Holistic Health assessment and coaching
· Karmic Astrology Birth Chart analysis.

Please contact us for more information about our private healing sessions and Quantum Psionics Practitioner Courses available:

Tel. + 351 91 277 3027 | E-mail: quantumpsionics@gmail.com


Raquel's Facebook groups:
Nova Terra
Global Quantum Psionics
Quantum Psionics Practitioners (members only)

For more information about Raquel’s activities, courses and sessions: http://www.quantumpsionics.com


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