1 year ago

It's being proposed like right now. Justin Trudeau met with Canada's Provincial Premiers and told them NO funding for Health Care unless they Agree to the Digital ID.


They will imprison everyone on an individual status. It will be total control. No access to banks/funding without it, no access to healthcare without it, no access to food without it, you will no be able to sell anything without it, you will be tracked everywhere you go at all times, and traveling will be controlled.

You say you don't want those government mandated healthy jabs? Too f*cking bad.

You will need it for all social media accounts.

I mean are people f*cking stupid and think this is a good thing here? This is the Government sentencing you to prison.

No internet provider without the digital id.

If you can't think for yourself and love to be told what you can and cannot do, then this is for you.

Then a couple decades they WILL send EVERYONE to SMART Cities.

You disagree with ANYTHING they mandate, they shut your digital wallet down which is all part of this bullshit.

You disagree with the tax rate increases? Toughen up buttercup.
These flagrant co*ksucking puppets who are proposing this need to be stopped.

This is a One World Government being run by sick, insane, wealthy, power hungry, murdering, Satanic tyrants who believe we are beneath farm animals.

Everyone in Canada needs to take action NOW and call their provincial premiers and tell them HELL NO.

America is next. Obamacare was a complete setup to usher this bullshit in.

It is so sad that most people are too stupid to see that having Government Funded Healthcare is giving the Gov keys to removing all liberties, freedoms and rights.

If they get this, it's Game Over for the people.

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