Your Bank Can Legally Seize Your Money, 'Too Late' to Stop Hyperinflation & The Great Reset

1 year ago

Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading, talks about how Reg D and the Dodd-Frank Act, which are supposed to protect banking clients, may allow banks to seize customer funds to 'bail-in' the bank in case of a liquidity crunch or financial crisis. She tells Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, that this is all a leadup to CBDCs, hyperinflation, and a 'surveillance economy,' and that it is too late to stop The Great Reset from occurring.
Follow Michelle Makori on Twitter: @MichelleMakori (
Follow Kitco News on Twitter: @KitcoNewsNOW (
Follow Lynette Zang on Twitter: @itmtrading_zang (
0:00 - U.S. dollar
2:45 - Bank 'bail-ins', legal seizure of deposits
15:20 - Banking crisis coming
23:31 - Historical precedents
28:28 - A crucial tipping point
30:54 - Debt bubbles and inflation
34:34 - The monetary reset
39:00 - The Great Reset
45:45 - CBDCs vs. Gold
51:54 - Surviving the Great Reset
54:24 - Hyperinflation
54:57 - Confirmation of the Reset
56:02 - Conspiracy theory?
57:08 - Can the Great Reset be stopped?
🎥 Watch: Excerpt about FDIC Bankers Discuss ‘Bail-Ins’ To Deal With Impending Market Collapse that was played in this interview.
🎥 Watch: Full Session FDIC Bankers Discuss ‘Bail-Ins’, To Deal With Impending Market Collapse -- FDIC Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee - November 9, 2022 (Full)
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