Is Sparkling Water Really Bad For You?

2 years ago

Have you ever wondered what happens to your body when you drink sparkling water?

We all know we need to drink plenty of water every day, but does that apply to carbonated water?

If you're one of those carbonated water lovers, this video is for you.

It's worth remembering that there are two types of carbonation of water: natural and artificial.

Natural gasification means that the water is already enriched with carbonic acid due to underground heating.

This happens in wells near volcanoes and in places with volcanic activity.

Artificially gasified water is probably the water you're used to drinking.

Normal water is taken from the well from which all oxygen has been removed.

After cooling, the water acquires carbon gas in a process similar to making soda pop.

In the natural process, gasification is easier than in the artificial one.

But the experts assure that both are equally healthy.

Loved by many, sparkling water is used as a healthier substitute for sodas - if you make fruit juice with sparkling water, the end result is very much like a soda.

But is sparkling water really good for your health?

To answer all your questions, let's take a look at the benefits of carbonated water:

Helps with weight loss

When the gas from carbonated water is released in the stomach, it increases the feeling of fullness and full stomach, which can help you eat less and lower the amount of calories in your meals.

The CO2 contained in the water also reduces feelings of anxiety, which are usually responsible for overeating.

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Improves the palate

Sparkling water makes the taste buds more sensitive to flavors and is a great option before a cup of coffee or glass of wine.

In addition, the CO2 contained in the water stimulates gastric function by increasing gastric secretion and emptying, which improves digestion.

Works as a substitute for sodas

In addition to being a natural option, sparkling water serves as a healthier alternative for sodas when you flavor it.

Adding lemon, orange zest, mint or ginger is a great way to make carbonated water more palatable and increase your water consumption throughout the day.

Rich in nutrients

Mineral water, whether carbonated or not, is rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Since it also contains sodium, people with high blood pressure should pay attention to the labels, because brands add even more sodium to their sparkling water.

Avoid these brands.

Did you enjoy learning more about the benefits of carbonated water?

It's worth mentioning that it's safe during pregnancy, doesn't deprive the bones of calcium, doesn't cause cellulite, doesn't damage the kidneys and doesn't cause erosion or change the teeth.

Another important note isn't to drink water during meals, so as not to affect the digestive process.

Focus on eating during meals and take fluids during the day to keep yourself hydrated.

You can drink up to 30 minutes before and after eating.

This habit will improve your gastrointestinal health.

Tell us, do you drink carbonated water?

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