The Hidden Messages in Water • Sacred Geometry • Pure As Space

1 year ago

Read The Hidden Messages in Water book here: link •

The high-speed photography of Dr. Masaru Emoto documents that we can change water on a molecular level.

In his book The Hidden Messages in Water, Dr. Emoto showed how water transformed when exposed to words, concentrated thoughts, intentions, and sounds.

His extraordinary research also showed how polluted water could be restored when exposed to prayer and benevolent intention.

The images show that water is sentient. Water is a living consciousness.

If water is affected by words, intentions, concentrated thoughts, and sounds,
how do words emotions and sounds affect people who are mostly made of water?

Dr. Masaru Emoto quotes:

"The human body is essentially water, and consciousness is the soul. It’s all about keeping the soul in an unpolluted state."

"Our emotions and feelings have an effect on the world moment by moment.
If you send out words and images of creativity, then you will be contributing to the creation of a beautiful world. However, emitting messages of destruction,
you contribute to the destruction of the universe."

"Can you imagine what it would be like to have water capable of forming beautiful crystals flowing throughout your entire body? It can happen if you let it. Among all medicines, there are none with the healing powers of love."

"By holding the intention of peace towards water, by thinking, speaking and acting with the intention of peace towards water, water can and will bring peace to our bodies and to the world."

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Moon footage - recorded in-house
Music track - recorded in-house
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Pure As Space
• listening to our inner world to find our higher truth •

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