Another PLANDEMIC Is Coming, NOT the Nuke WW3, Stupid!

1 year ago

As I’ve warned ad nauseam that everything, particularly the so-called “threat of NUKE WW3,” is the distraction from the real existential danger, the Talmudic Clotshot against humanity (a.k.a vaccination).

By now you, the pure blood remnants of humankind, must have already known that THERE ARE NO VIRUSES and NO such disease called COVID19. Thus there is no need for the so-called VACCINATION, which really is, with ample evidence, a Talmudic conspiracy to cull, control, and enslave the whole humanity.

You must also have understood that it is the national government in each nation-state that has directly been carrying out, implementing, and imposing this DEMOCIDAL OPERATION COVID19 (the brutal inhumane lockdown and the CLOTSHOT) upon its people.

Such crime can NEVER be done to you without your own government!

We have no way to know exactly how many people have been murdered by this DEMOCIDAL OPERATION COVID19 (the brutal lockdown and the CLOTSHOT). However, given all the analyses and dire warnings from many medical experts of the field, especially world renowned figures such as Dr Mike Yeadon, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, and Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, and all estimated statistics by independent journalists and anecdotal figures from people around the world, the number of deaths by the clotshot alone (deaths by lockdown so far not available) for the past two years could already be more than a billion, and still counting!

We have all witnessed such brazen lies, barbaric brutality, and such evilness of Government and its criminal thugs (I.e cops, doctors, nurses etc) for the past three years.

To be blunt and clear, let’s call a spade a spade. It’s the national governments around the world that have been murdering their own people under the pretext of PUBLIC HEALTH.

-Without the so-called “national government authority” that people believe and obey. No such CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY is possible!

- Without the so-called “national government authority” that people believe and obey. No evil New World Order can ever exist!

- No such evil “One World Government” can ever exist without national governments!

Ironically, the phrase “One World Government” has been well calculated and shrewdly deployed to consolidate and reinforce the “love and respect” for national government authority in people mind.

All the crimes and sufferings that have been inflicted upon people are done directly by nation-state governments not by the “One World Government”

This is a global war waged by the power hungry psychopathic minority against all of us, the free people.

Please DO NOT FALL for such silly but ‘scary” Nuke WW3 narrative. It Will NOT happen. They are evil but not stupid. Do not be distracted by it. Do not be complacent and let your guard down. Keep focusing on the real evil Plot: The Clotshot (regardless of its new names) and the government’s new “law and regulations.”

If your love for FREEDOM and DIGNITY is greater than your fear of death, NO POWER can enslave YOU!

That’s all I need to share with YOU, all the pure blood remnants of humankind!
I stopped wasting time and energy on the sheeple!

As always, the choice and the last word are yours.

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