Congressman Clay Higgins of Louisiana SMOKES Twitter Execs

1 year ago

I recall the first time that I ever saw and heard Louisiana Republican Clay Higgins, he was a candidate running for U.S. Congress (House of Representatives) from Louisiana. He looked and sounded every bit like a sharp as a tack and sly as a fox "good guy" type gangster from some 1940s G-man movie. Higgins doesn't just talk tough, he means business. He has been keeping his campaign promises since he was sworn into office last month. This clip of him grilling Twitter executives in the congressional hearings on the Twitter files yesterday, February 08, 2023, is a prime example of how our government SHOULD work.

No more "business as usual" now. It's time for housecleaning, and the sweeping has begun, THANK THE LORD JESUS!

If you are curious as to whether or not this Republican majority House of Representatives is all talk, or if they will actually affect positive change in our federal government system, all things so far indicate that these people definitely mean business.

The "swamp" is being methodically drained. It was "drip, drip, drip", but now it appears that a flood is about to happen.
"I hear the sound of an abundance of rain".

The more you know...
Thanks for watching.
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