American corruption begins at its highest level

1 year ago

Forbes Magazine video: American corruption begins at its highest level. ‘Sabotage Against The Truth!': Ron Johnson Details Hunter Biden Story Suppression 福布斯雜誌視頻: 美國政府的腐敗從白宮而下. “破壞真相!” 羅恩·約翰遜詳述亨特·拜登的故事

At the top of today's House Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) blasted how the Hunter Biden story was suppressed. 在今天的聯邦政府眾議院武器化聽證會的頂部,參議員羅恩約翰遜 (R-WI) 抨擊了亨特拜登的故事是如何被壓制的。

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