Congress Debates Horrors of Socialism While US Lives Under Horrors of Capitalism! | T.O.L.

1 year ago

In this episode of his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D discusses the farce of the House Resolution to condemn "The Horrors of Socialism."
Opening the video, Double D outlines some of the points made on the debate floor surrounding the resolution. Noting the absolute naivete and ignorance surrounding notions and perspectives concerning socialism.

He picks out Republican Representative from Florida, Maria Salazar's arguments. Noting that she insists that Socialism and Communism have been responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people world wide. Double D scoffs at this notion, and points out that Salazar and other U.S. politicians conveniently ignore the massive death toll racked up by capitalist systems. He cites US chattel slavery, colonialism, apartheid, genocide, the rise of fascism, two world wars, and the perpetuation of wealth inequality as all being the violent legacy of capitalist systems.

He also dismisses Salazar's comments which insist that socialism inherently leads to totalitarianism. Double D notes that apologists for capitalism always ignore capitalism's predisposition to learn towards inverted totalitarianism, that is the dictatorship of capital, hiding behind the façade of democracy with the illusion of choice manifesting in the lie of corporate consumerism.

Double D moves on to dissect arguments from Democratic politicians. He condemns their willingness to engage in this political theater in order to garner clout from their more center-leaning constituents. He takes particular aim at Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who "condemned socialist autocrats" despite her notorious role in fixing the Democratic Primaries to prop up American autocrats such as the Clintons. He goes on to point out how even the most progressive of Democrats, including Ro Khanna, reject the idea of nationalization or moving beyond capitalism. He uses a video clip with Khanna's statements to suggest that even in the greatest upsurge of "progressive democratic revolution" the people of the U.S. will be left with little more than Band-Aid solutions to the existential crises being caused by capitalism.

Double D ends this segment by pointing out the hypocrisy that is the root of capitalist arguments against socialism; he notes that the very horror stories promised to us if we dare to move down the path of socialism, is the very real horror we live with day to day under capitalist systems. He notes media narratives of "hard working or charitable Americans" which with just a few change of words, could be spun to portrait the supposed "horrors of socialism", including breadlines, homelessness, crumbling infrastructure, and shortages of basic goods.

Moving on from the floor debate, Double D examines some of the points made within the house resolution. He points out how many of its claims, centered around the supposed atrocities of socialist movements, are rooted in false narratives and cooked statistics that have been perpetuated by fascist sympathizers, the US state, and foundations that have questionable origins; citing the author of the infamous novel 'Gulag Archipelago' and the team that produced 'The Black Book of Communism.'

Double D highlights the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC). He examines the foundations founders, noting several Ukrainian Nationalists, fascist collaborators, and mouth pieces of big business; including the founder of the Heritage Foundation; an institutional supporter of U.S. imperial policy and advocate of corporatism.

Double D ends the video by discerning the ties between multinational corporations, the US intelligence community, fascist movements worldwide, and organizations like the VOC. He insists that we are all living in a multi-layered false reality that has been pushed upon us for generations by capitalists and other power mongers who have a vested interest in our complacency with an unjust system. He asks his viewers to reject everything they've been told, so that they can begin the process of their own reeducation and liberation, which will lead them towards becoming the critical thinkers the world so desperately needs.

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