Still Alive ~ A Documentary about the Magical, Secret Wedding of JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bessette

2 years ago

***Please Note*** John F. Kennedy Jr, himself, requested that Billy Noonan take his Video Recording Camera to he and Carolyn's Wedding, and to Film this joyous event, so that others may see it too, when the time was Right...My Friends, the Time is NOW RIGHT! Thus, to me, the release of this footage in late 2019, by Billy Noonan, is to be seen as a MARKER for what is to come...a Day and a New Age where Miracles become Commonplace once more...

The footage that made this Documentary possible was filmed (at the behest of JFK Jr.) by a very close Childhood Friend of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior, Billy Noonan...and until recently, Billy did NOT release this footage into the Mainstream... it remained a Secret known only to a few; however, now, this footage (filmed on a Video Camera that JFK Jr. gave to Billy Noonan for his own Stag Party), has been made into a Beautiful Documentary by TLC, and while this footage is just so Beautiful and Revealing to Watch, it also lays out CLUES from the Kennedys that suggested that one, they can Keep a Secret, and two, that John and Carolyn were never going to have any kind of personal Life away from the ever-present Paparazzi without some kind of Plan being put into effect...

However, most can not even begin to wrap their Minds around just how BIG this Plan was, and that it encompassed the very survival of this, enjoy this Sovereign footage to a very, Personal and Secretive Event that signaled a CHANGE to the Diseased World we were all Living within back on September 21st of 1996...and know that only 33 Moonths later, John, Carolyn and Carolyn's Sister, Lauren Bissette, would appear to be Dead, victims of a suspicious Plane Crash just off-shore of Jackie Kennedy's Seaside Home in Martha's Vineyard...and while virtually All of the World sees this as one of the most Tragic events in Human History, we, The Chosen, KNOW BETTER...that this event on July 16th, 1999, was NOT Tragic, rather Symbolic...and like the Wedding itself, it was a MARKER to the World that things were about to Change for the Better, and NOT for the Worse...

And consider the Date of their Secret Wedding, like the suspected Born-Date of one, Jesus Christ, September 21st marks the End of the Summer, or the Golden High Point of Mankind, and the Beginning of the FALL of Man into Autumn, which actually means AU = Gold, and Tumn = Tomb, the Golden Tomb of Mankind, going within, away from the Cabal, in Secret, where we could turn the Table against the Cabal, and unveil God's Plan to Takedown the Cabal from A to Z...

Thus, enjoy this Beautiful, Heartfelt event and see it for what it was...a last, Peaceful event of Pure and Authentic Love before the War for the Control of this World was fought for the Last this Video, you get to Witness, first-hand, the clandestine wedding weekend from the joyful Rehearsal Dinner to the magical ceremony and intimate Reception on the small and secluded Island of Cumberland, Georgia, on the Atlantic Coast-line...

God Bless John and Carolyn Kennedy, and may they and their Family, Live On, Forever, under the Protection of God Almighty, in Peace and in Love, Forever and Ever, Amen...

Love, CF

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