Part 4 of the antichrist reign in the tribulation period

1 year ago

God knew Satan would rebel and allowed him to rebel and take 1/3 of the angels with him, Satan is the one behind all the evil in the world and he will control the antichrist and it will be hell on earth, but Jesus will crush the antichrist, false prophet and anyone who follows the antichrist and got his cursed mark of the beast will be killed by Jesus with His sword and they will be eaten by birds of prey, they will be in the lake of fire with the antichrist, false prophet and all who rejected Jesus, Jesus will rule on earth for thousands years and Satan will be bound up in a bottomless pit, after the thousands years are over, Satan will be let out and will lie to all the wicked to rage war against Jesus and those who live in Jerusalem, he will have a army go to fight against Jesus and will fail, God will send fire from heaven and burn up all the wicked and Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire along with all his wicked angels, then the great white throne judgement will happen, everyone who rejected Jesus will be there, Cain to those who rejected Jesus in the tribulation period will all be there, self righteous church people and pastors will be there, they trusted in being a church member, doing good works and had no need for Jesus at all they thought they were good enough to enter heaven they will be there, all the abuser's will be there, drug dealers and addicts will be there, all the rich people will be there who loved money so much, all the famous people will be there who thought acting was better than Jesus, all the gays lesbians and trans will be there, murderers will be there, false prophets will be there, abortion murderers will be there, wicked leaders will be there, sex offender's will be there, gang members will be there, those who said no I will accept Jesus later I want to party will be there, people who followed Jesus but turned their back on Him will be there, thieves will be there, those who love magic art's, false religions and those in it like Islam, Jehovah witness, Catholics, seventh day Adventist, church of Christ, church of Nazarene, Buddhist, Hindus, Shintoism, atheism, flds, Mormons, church of scientology, the list goes on and on, books will be opened and all the dead will be judged to what is written in the books, God will call the wretched people by name and will say Gabriel is this name found written in the Lamb book of life, no Lord they are not found written and God will tell the person all their sins they have done and their entire life and will say depart from Me you worker of inquinity for I never knew you, those whose names were not found written were thrown into the lake of fire for that is the second death and they shall be tormented forever and ever and their torment shall never end, it will happen and God will be cleaning house and will not be nice it,

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