Road Kill 66

2 years ago

"Get ready to hit the road with "Road Kill 66", a song that tells the story of a love affair that was never meant to last. With the haunting line, "some loves are meant to last, some are meant to just cross our path," this track takes you on a journey down memory lane to a bad love affair.

Put the pedal to the metal with this upbeat and bluesy track, inspired by the open road of Route 66. From the bright lights of Las Vegas to the picturesque landscapes of Flagstaff, AZ, "Road Kill 66" captures the essence of a road trip like no other. So climb behind the wheel and let the good times roll with this unforgettable track about the memory of a bad love affair. Put it in the croc pot and get ready to hit the road!

All Music rights reserved: Original music by MASHSNE Music, Las Vegas Copyright 2023

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