ag is an optics situation...i wait on the Lord not the world

1 year ago

maybe they're worried i will yell at them in the next video
people compare me to Jesus, i don't like it
i'm such a failure yawl stop it
sometimes i wish i could have what they have
i just can't bring myself to _______
buying stuff for the purpose of self-deceit
i bend her to His will
women trust satan, and now men trust women (satan again)
anyone listening to me will be questionably schizo
not just some burger joint but steak n shake
that tapping sound tho
i'm a labrador greeting you when you walk in, wagging my tail
Lord knows where tupac is now
unless you have the hearing of a bat...
i wanna show yawl what it's like to fuck it up
social networking is so strange
what's all the rage during this particular increment *PSYCH OP
super meth, yep that's what homeless people are on now apparently (probably yet another psych op)
so lucky to be able to wake up every day and create
they've given up on themselves so they can't create
i can talk however i want
don't try to syntax error my ass
fuck school, life is a far better teacher

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