February 6, 2023 ❤️ Jesus says... I speak to your Enemies now... You have been duped!

1 year ago

Text & Audio of Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2023/02/20/hereingelegt-duped/
Mary Baxter's Experiences with Jesus in Hell... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/05/17/bist-du-auch-unterwegs-in-die-holle-um-dort-zu-regieren-are-you-also-headed-for-hell-to-reign-there/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

I speak to your Enemies now… You have been duped!

February 6, 2023 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “Clare, I want to address your enemies.”

(Clare) He is speaking directly to you, my dear friends who are enemies, trying to destroy us. Here He wants to say something to you.

(Jesus) “I have watched and listened to your ceremonies and curses, and I ask you a question… What reward have you gotten for all your efforts to destroy My work on this mountain? What have you gained? From My perspective I will tell you what I have gained.

“You have trained My people in endurance, longsuffering, charity, and perseverance. You have helped them learn to love you and forgive you for the curses I allowed to land. Be thankful that I did not allow all your curses to land, because there is a price you will pay for every curse, and had you succeeded in all you wanted to do, that price would be more than you could bear. So, you see, it is not only for their good that I hold back your curses, but it is for your own good that I hold them back. What have they done to you?

“Have they stolen, killed or destroyed your property? Have they cursed your relationships and tried to put an end to your income? Have they wished you would die and cursed your health? No, they have done nothing of that sort. Rather they have prayed blessings upon you, with the hope that you will stop your own undoing.

“Everything I have allowed you to do to them, they have risen higher and higher, because of it. They have learned unconditional love and even sincere caring, with many prayers and tears, for your personal destinies. So, you see, you have gained nothing and lost much. In fact, you have lost much more than you know.

“Have things been difficult for you lately? Have you had mechanical breakdowns and unexpected difficulties that kept you from what you had planned to do? Have you become ill, failed at business, and even lost loved ones? Count your losses blessed, because I could have allowed much worse in your lives, but because of their prayers for you, I had mercy.

“What are you doing with your lives? Let Me tell you, you have dug a very deep pit for My people, but fallen into it yourselves. Plans you made against them have backfired on you and now you have a mess to clean up in your lives. In the meantime, their peace and prosperity increase, along with their ability to withstand evil. Your boss should be very angry, because he is building virtue in My people.

“I do not say these things to you out of spite, I say this to ask you to look at your own personal lives and reassess your gains for all your fasting and doings against My Kingdom. See that you have indeed incurred many serious losses and setbacks. I allow these things to get your attention, so you will turn back from your evil designs, repent for wrongdoing, and come to Me for forgiveness.

“Yes, I still hold out hope for you. I still pray for you and inspire My people to pray for you. You have many gifts, but have used them for evil… many times as retaliation for what others have done to you. I teach My people to bless those who persecute them, not to become mired in hatred, deeper and deeper every day until it deprives them of their health and happiness.

“But you are taught by the master liar to suck up hatred, bitterness, and retaliation. You are taught to grow in hatred until it consumes you and rules your very life, alienates you from others, until all the decisions you make lead you deeper and deeper into the hole you dug for others. Consumed by these things, you have no true peace or happiness, only vitriol, hatred and plotting to hurt and destroy the innocent. I have much pity for you, that is why I am sending you this message.

“You have been duped! Satan has concocted a theater for you to convince you of rewards that are waiting for you. They do not exist; I have chained him, and he has nothing but torment to give you. No kingdom, no palace, no riches, nothing, nothing but eternal torment where your so-called friendly demons will torch the skin on your body until it curls up and falls into ashes, only to have new skin grow back over these painful burns and for them to do it all over again. Not for an hour, not for a day, or a year or hundreds of years, but for eternity, never ending. Is this really what you want for yourselves and your coven?

“I have taken many to Hell for them to observe what it is really like, and if you have the courage to hear the accounts, I suggest you listen to Mary Baxter and get a tour through your kingdom and palace, your rewards for all the iniquity you have begotten. (Link to Mary Baxter’s experiences at the end of the Video and below in the Description)

“I have a word for you. I AM the Almighty God who created you, as well as Lucifer, who was once glorious and beautiful, but now appears as his sins have formed him. I created you out of love, but evil has turned your hearts to wickedness, whether it was done by man or in response to curses laid upon your family. Oh yes, others were misguided and cursed you into the pitiful state you are in. I also have the power to rescue you from this fate, to turn your life to joy, to protect you from your coven and Satan, so that you may live a good life and have eternal life with Me in Heaven.

“I offer you the gift of repentance and the Kingdom of Heaven, if you will repent of your evil ways. I will protect you and turn your life from hatred to joy, from bitterness to sweetness, from failure to success. All this I will do because I love you, and I did not create Hell for you, but for your master and his demons.”

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