An Invitation to the Future | Jordan Peterson on the Joe Rogan Experience

1 year ago

Recently, on the Joe Rogan Experience, JBP announced the establishment of a new international movement, open to the public, devoted to developing an invitational vision of the future, trying to collectively formulate the answer to six key questions. We invite all those who might be interested to contribute to the conversation.

Our inaugural conference will take place in London, England Oct 31, Nov 1 and Nov 2, 2023.

More details about the organization, public participation and the conference will be announced as soon as possible.

Watch the full episode:

Find out why the MSM and corrupt establishment constantly attempt to smear Jordan Peterson, why his groundbreaking and liberating personal development advice has changed the lives of millions and led to him being deemed an existential threat to the Great Reset and the radical authoritarian movements who wish to control the public and the public narrative.

Jordan Petersons Newest Book "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules For Life"
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"12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos"
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