The Constructive Liberty Podcast - Growth VS Fixed Mindset

1 year ago

Today we're talking about my #1 Key to a life of IMPACT: Mindset

Specifically, Growth VS Fixed Mindset

We'll talk about:
Why Mindset is Important What is a fixed mindset What is a growth mindset Growth VS fixed mindset
Why mindset?
What’s the number one factor that determines whether or not someone succeeds at achieving a goal? Do you know? Is it genetics? Luck? What about skills or natural talent? Hard work has to be in there somewhere, right? How about networking and getting the right degree?

All of these factors are important, some more so than others, but none hold the number one spot. So, what’s number one? If you guessed mindset, you’re right. Research has shown that mindset is a better predictor of future success than every other factor you can consider, including working hard and natural talent.
Fixed mindset
There are two basic types of mindset: fixed mindset and growth mindset. Of the two, growth mindset is the preferred one, but that’s not to say there is anything inherently wrong with having somewhat of a fixed mindset; it’s just a different way of viewing the world.

Furthermore, few people have a pure fixed mindset or a pure growth mindset. Most people have a combination of the two, and they might have different aspects of each in different parts of their lives. A person’s mindset is also changeable and changes naturally through time or due to conscious effort.
Growth mindset
A growth mindset is one that believes in change and improvement. Someone who has a growth mindset believes that their skills and talents can be improved through hard work, practice, and dedication. Natural talent is a gift of genetics, but it alone is not enough to make someone a master of their craft, and even the most talented person can get better through practice.

People with a growth mindset have a love of learning and never stop trying to learn new things, even many years after they get out of school. They’re always trying to understand the latest methods in their field, improving their skills at a sport, or learning something new.
Growth VS Fixed mindset
Growth mindset and fixed mindset might seem like opposites, and in many ways they are, but there’s more to it than that. These mindsets are different ways of looking at the world and of processing and using the information that we are presented with.

From a personal development standpoint, a growth mindset is preferred, but that doesn’t mean it’s better than a fixed mindset in other ways. Both have their advantages and disadvantages and having more of a fixed mindset or more of a growth mindset doesn’t determine what type of person someone is.

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