One Hour One Life Gameplay - 2 Lives: Unnamed baby and Saraha Content who tried to runaway

1 year ago

First Life: My mother was Eva Jones and she gave unexpected birth to me, her daughter. I was given no name. She explained to me that she was out hunting and was far away from home. I tried to survive but I died of starvation. Split second between living and dying. Tragic ending.

Second Life:
My mother was Lihanna Content. The walls looked all too familiar and when I first stepped out of the nursery, I suddenly realized I was back in Hell XD. I thought to myself, as soon as I am old enough to grab a handcart, I will make a run for it.

I started to scout the surrounding area out. Nothing looked promising as it looks like others have ventured out just like me. Then I had my first daughter, Hope, and I thought it was too late for me to leave.

When she got old enough to eat on her own, I went east and found some promising places and I gave it a go. Then Max was born and he was a new player so I felt bad for him and brought him back home. At least he will have a good future.

For the rest of my life, I decided to help Allison, my granddaughter. She was a wiz at smithing. She wanted logs and kindling so I gave her piles of it. I found my sister's body in the AFK room so I brought her body along with me. I forgot where the graveyard was so I decided to die under the pine tree with garlands. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

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