2-8-23 State of Delusion

Streamed on:

We have all of the clips and commentary covering the State of Delusion from Joe Biden’s teleprompter.

Angie Wong is the national media spokesperson for Veterans for America First (VFAF). She is currently on a nationwide tour to get out the votes for Election 2024. Check out www.legacy-pac.org

Matt Schlapp - CPAC 2023 - Author of The Desecrators: Defeating the Cancel Culture Mob and Reclaiming One Nation Under God

Jennifer Sey, author of Levi's Unbuttoned: The Woke Mob Took My Job But Gave Me My Voice

Moms for Liberty - Lindsey Smith, Chapter chair from Montgomery, Maryland. Parents in her county were notified that their fourth grade students would be reading a book and getting a lesson that concerns many. Check out this filth - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/145UfyT-C23qQk-pKl-8COVURYDWWi1VuavwBEH0_iyg/mobilepresent?slide=id.g148413b1432_0_3321

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