1 year ago

I am done with you , I am a Raped Child Who , Has Beaten EVERY one of you MEN OF MINE!! FOR YOU are Mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN You Entered me !!!! You came into ME or your daddy did , SO Boy You are all My Children !! DO I look DEFEATED?! OR Like I have Not Made every one Who has ever so much as touched ME AND My Brothers & little sisters Pay, Oh yes I bear the marks & Pain OF every Child Of GOD you have ever Touched , DO I APEAR as though SATAN OR GOD HAS LET ME Fall BEFOR ONE OF YOU RAPIST PIGS!!! Look At Me Boy !! OR Little Girl When I am Speaking , A Man !! Which Not a One Of You Is !! FOR YOU are all Under Arrest OF AMAN Who IS AUTHORITY IT SELF!!! THE TRUTH OF GOD, I WOULD LIKE YOU TO MET ME IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILDRN IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE TOWN OR WORLD , OR JUST YOUR SELF Or Just YOUR CHILDREN !! PARENTS, Or your own two pathetic eyes!! WHAT IS IT YOU THINK IS IT THAT YOUR FATHERS Did NOT TRY, Or Your GOD SATAN ??! NO IT IS That you YOU cannot !! So You will Obey me THE TRUTH !! AND THEIR IS NO other option !! THEIR NEVER WAS !! You are THE Problem & THE Bullies & THE Thieves' !! You already Wear your sentence's on your hips SAYS THE TRUTH ITSELF THE WORD OF GOD OR GOD's WORD. You cannot do your jobs for Love Of these Children as I do! with my bare hand & no weapon, Criminals & Liars Who Do not know those to whom They are Going & make No attempt To right that Fact of the matter With God!!! For were you to turn TO GOD , THE Truth THE Only Authority, THE Truth & Obey Him You would Not be able TO Rob & Steal from Men In THE name OF the evil one , and I am THE Man !!! I strike fear into the hearts of Those who starve & Hurt Children Deliberately , Saying , I dare you to Love in Truth , Use your Liberty in Christ On ME ! Show All THE Children & explain to them At the same time Why I did what I did & and am going to do what I am going to do with you all , Not Parents But Slaves TO THE Sin/Evil Inequity , WE Should Begin THERI WITH THE pay You receive for your Duties!!!! Undone!!! & What I receive FOR My Duties Done !!!!!!!! You Serve drivers ! & Now God Damn THE Pusher Man !!! GOD damn THE Harm full Drug dealing Pusher man !!!!!! GOD Damn THE Pusher man !!! You Do know , I know you are all actually incompetent idiots , So I will assume you all are as ignorant as you make yourselves out to be , Not Understand ing I never came as undercover Boss but was right out front with it the whole time ! I Have THE Grounds TO put every one of you on your backs cuffed & arrested & waiting for orders from Myself as what to do with all next . BECAUSE WE can take it right Back to here anytime you want , God has given you over to me, meaning I was Raped By your Fathers & Mothers & My Own & already have your kind of Love Dripping Out My Bleeding ass hole still i Do not have THE Right Muscles In MY rectum TO Shit Properly ! Because Your MASONIC THE QUEENS CLUB , it is A Homosexual Club OF All Homo Sexual MEN & JUST STRAIGHT UP MEN Looking TO HAVE Some DIRTY FUN IN a hush , Hushed environment , Hush , hush, HEDGE HOGS Your SONIC SECRET's Are all SAFE WITH ME !!! I MEAN I TRUST JESUS BUT I DON"T TRUST CHRIST ! Age Don't Get in THE Way AT THE Sonic THE HEDGE HOGS Club, THEY WELCOME IN THE ARSE OF EVERY ONE , Two, Three Years Old & above , I am above 33rd DEGREE, I AM ACTULLY A LIVING FLASME OPF FIRE NOW , MY REAL FATHER THOUGHT IT APPROPRIATE FORTHE WEATHER TO MATCH MY CLOTHS , IT WOULD BE THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE FOR I AM STARVED BEATEN & ROBBED OF Every THING THESE MEN VALUE , & THEY SHALL RECIVE IT ALL AS TONY MONTANTA DID . EVERY PLEASURE FOR FREE, TO THE BOUGH TEN , CAN YOU READ ANGEL? CAN YOU ? LET ME INTERPRIT I DO. BOUGH TO SAY TEN BOUGH T SATAN BOUGHTTO TEN BOUGHT'En BOUGHT Ten BOUGHT"EN , But what Shall a man receive in exchange for his soul ? A Gun TO Place on His or her hip Even When no one is threatening any violance or unrest other than your selves, What are civil issues No THE Guns FOR Criminal issues , No I have it , IT Is FOR Turning OTHER Wise Civil Matters Into Criminal! just so you know who is !!! Well Load THE Ignoramuses up to the teeth ? The scared & ignorant entering an otherwise civil Situation upon being informed OF all THE CRIME & THE Physical result OF THE EXTORTION & ROBBERY , FORGERIES & HARRASMENT All Documented !! THEY ARE HERE TO STEAL & RAPE THE Poor ! By those Whom It Benefits to Do So , Why does THE Landlord Torment THE Tenants with Illegal ALARMS being tuned on THE babies all times Of THE Day !! All THE Animals EVERY THINGI am Telling & you see only if you involve your self in Satan world THE Contractual One !! THE One Your daddies Who Loved MY Ass So Love, So UNDERSTAND I STAYED TO TELL & SHOW Your Children as you Know !!! because you have the acces & you can tell yourself no children are being Hurt , Just like you compartmentalise every part of your betrayal OF all Children of God anywhere , forcing them TO Become liars & a responsible adult or Starve, I starve! I STARVE

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