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#HogwartsLegacy and Chill - Rare Disease Day Month Fundraiser

2 years ago


It is Hogwarts Legacy release day and we got a huge dono last night so I decided to jump on and show you all this amazing game!. And hey we are still doing a fundraiser!! There will also be a stream-a-thon at the end of the month. Until then, please donate as much as you can to help support FMF and AID Global, even a $1! Also please share the link!!


Look at us, another stream! This time we keep it simple and chill. Come hang out as we get back into the swing of things for our next streamathon at the end of February (details coming very soon!!!)

Living with a Rare Disease - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htBz19FypHE
FMF and AID Global - https://www.fmfandaid.org
The Patient's Experience - Farida - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fp43_a4pmk

We are the Greenfellaz, a bunch of irreverent dudes who abide by whatever rules we want. We chill, play games and chat! Subscribe now and share our channel with all your friends!!

Just remember that Life Gets in the Way sometimes

Check us out on Twitter and Facebook at @Greenfellaz

Connect with the Greenfellaz on twitter
Chris - @PyrinKnight
Kev (Nuffsed) Da Ork - @OrkSez
Spencer - S_F_Spencerian

If you like our channel then we hope you that you will also choose to support any/all of our friends too:
THE LEGEND - DAVID MARCH - https://www.youtube.com/thespyguy
NERD REACTOR - https://www.youtube.com/NerdReactor
JOHN REACTOR - https://www.youtube.com/JohnReactor
THE GREY COUNCIL - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGreyCouncil
GAME WORLD INTEL - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuDTZu-j2FzOFqQIwNlU04w
NERDTOTS - https://www.youtube.com/nerdtots
THE RAVEN'S FLOCK - https://www.youtube.com/user/casabona
COMIC BOOK BOB - https://www.youtube.com/ComicBookBob
ROGUE COMICS - https://direct.me/RogueComics
HIFA - https://www.youtube.com/user/3rdworldem/


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