8. First Principles Discipleship - Lesson 3 - Baptism Part 1

2 years ago

A live recording of the First Principles Discipleship study class.
Taught at Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland
The Course book is available at www.FirstPrinciplesDiscipleship.com

Lesson Three
The Christian life, entered through the new birth, is just that - a life. In the Bible, a new Christian is compared to a "baby" (1Peter 2:2), and is commanded to “GROW in grace” to maturity (2Peter 3:18). A Christian therefore, is not to stay as a “baby” all their life, but to GROW. And an important FIRST step of a Bible believing Christian’s growth is believer’s baptism (Acts 2:37-41; Matthew 28:18-20).
This simple step of obedience is NOT part of being saved - it is God’s test of whether or not a person whole-heartily wants to follow the Lord Jesus Christ now that they ARE saved!
This lesson will explain what believer’s baptism is, its importance, and when a Christian should get baptized.

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