Kiwi Baby Will forcibly removed from his parents, made to undergo surgery with tainted blood supply

1 year ago

This tragic event occurred at the end of 2022. New Zealander Baby Will forcibly removed from his parents by a Kiwi court's order, and made to undergo surgery with tainted blood supply, even though clean blood donations were available from the community.

He did survive his operation and he now is thriving.

But we term this a twin tragedy. One, for Baby Will, the fact that he was assaulted by the state. Two, for the legal precedent that this event set, that no hospital patient (in New Zealand, but the judgment, or its form, will soon be transferred or repeated in courts all over the world) has freedom to choose what goes into his body, or that of his child.

This dystopian nightmare was brought to you by Yuval Noah Hariri. As this decision globalizes it will become harder and harder to avoid taint and thus Hariri's fevered imagination will be brought into existence if we continue down this road.

The video is actually a voiceover from a radio reportage, set to a photograph of Baby Will in the embrace of his mum. The narrator is unrelated to Baby Will and speaks of the horror in the interstice between his father's court petition and before the court hearing. So at the time of recording we were all in suspense.

My bet is that NZPM Jacinda Ardern's resignation a scant 6 weeks later occurred as a direct result of this case: Ardern could no longer square the commendable desire to enter politics and government with the responsibility that entails when faced with a crucial reality.

In other words, Ardern crucified Baby Will just like Pontius Pilate crucified Jesus Christ. You can see it in her face at the press conference in which she announced her departure.

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