Genesis 42:1-43:16 - Joseph reunited with his “loving” brothers - Does God punish us when we sin?

1 year ago

This week we see Joseph’s 10 brothers forced by famine to come down from Cannan to buy grain in Egypt. Joseph, confronted with the desire to reveal his identity to his long-lost brothers, maintains his hidden identity and follows God’s plan giving his brothers a time of reflection to allow his brothers the much-needed time to acknowledge and come to terms with their past treatment of their brother. Does God punish the brothers or does he discipline them? Does God punish us today when we sin? All this and more, discussed this week in our through the Bible study of Genesis.

00:30 - Recap, Joseph in Egypt.
04:28 - Gen. 42;1 - 43;16 - Scripture reading
12:46 - V. 2 & 5 - Famine in Canaan
16:03 - V. 9 - “You Are Spies!”
21:12 - V. 19 - The plan for his Brothers
22:57 - V. 21-22- “Surely we are being punished”
24:03 - V. 24 - Why Simeon?
25:32 - V. 27 - Their silver found
27:12 - V. 36-38 - “Everything is against me!”
31:09 - V. 43;1 - Low on food again, Jacob sends Benjamin
34:43 - Why is all this happening? V. 2 & 8 - God is protecting his people.
36:08 - Application - Does God punish us for our sins?

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