Open Letter from Dying Priest - Project Veritas Revelations - Artificial Intelligence Racist

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Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Wednesday, February 8th, 2023 – Feast of St Jerome Emiliani

St. Jerome Emiliani was a former military commander for Venice who was imprisoned in a dungeon. He experienced a spiritual transformation and dedicated himself to helping the poor and suffering, particularly orphans. He used his own money to rent a house for the orphans and feed, clothe and educate them. He went on to found orphanages in other cities, a hospital, and a shelter for prostitutes which grew into a religious society named Clerics Regular of Somascha. He died while assisting the sick during a plague outbreak in 1537.

INTRO – We made it to half way through the week! Congrats to you! We’re almost there. But today is an opportunity to give glory to God by your work, by your class, by your sufferings, by your chores, and by your errands. So, give God some praise for another day to be working in the vineyard.

And – at 15 past the hour we have 9 stories to cover, there is no possibility we will be able to cover it all. So, I will mention a lot of these stories but I want to focus on this open letter that was brought to my attention from a dying priest.

Also – at 30 past the hour Dr. Jose Transancos is on to discuss the revelations from Project Veritas.

And - In the next hour we will discuss AI, I have some experiences that I want to share with you and we have our fear and trembling game show.

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What’s Concerning Us? – Dying priest writes open letter to his Bishop
-Pope Francis reiterates belief that religions must unite in service of brotherhood
- Cardinal McElroy spreads confusion on communion and mortal sin
-Trans-activist stage insurrection by storming Oklahoma state capital to promote the right to mutilate people

Guest Seg. -Dr. Jose Transacos – Revelations from Project veritas on Pfizer

-What is this a distraction for?
- The response from the Chinese government
-The attempt to deflect by saying Trump did it too

2nd Hour - AI, some major philosophical problems

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