Confessions Of A Flat Earth Psy-Op Pusher

1 year ago

In the past; Guilty As Charged!

I used to be part of the problem once, spreading spurious nonsense about . . .

That's why now I sort of owe it back, to not shut up about the truth, and to keep coming up with ways that enable the confusion to be able to Sort Itself Out for other people. If it helps out even just one of the people then it was worth the edit. I love the puzzle story about the three travelling salesman and the bell-boy. Makes you think.

This is about 3 hours of interviews all up, which I condensed the Very Helpful bits all into one half hour lot. If you want to KNOW what is what, why it is so, or realise that what shape the chunk is does not matter for our Children, then here may one find some perspective. Could Be one of the Most Important speels of breakdowns and explanations you discover.

Mostly from P.U. and G.D.

Thing to remember also is this; if one does not talk to their neighbour because neighbour is a 'Flat Earther' then one has a problem. If one does not talk to their neighbour because the neighbour say 'Flat Earth is Rubbish', then one has a problem.

Love Thy Neighbour

These are the full interviews:

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