Echinoderms: Sea Stars, Sea Lilies, Feather Stars, Sea Urchins, Sea Cucumbers; SeaScience Lesson # 1

1 year ago

As you can see, “Echinoderms” are very fun to look at…

What’s your favorite Sea Creature?


These Echinoderms appear to have possessed all the very same Elaborate Functional Anatomy since they were fossilized; Supposedly, “Hundreds of Millions of Years Ago…”

If these Echinoderms have possessed all the same functional anatomy, since they were fossilized, some supposedly “450+ Million Years” possessing all the same functional anatomy: How can anybody assume “All Life Shares a Common Ancestor?”

Could it be possible We are incorrect about the age of these Fossil Remains?

Why has “Mutation, Environmental Pressures, and Time;” apparently left these animal forms the same?

Observing the Many Echinoderms at the botttom of the Sea and their Obvious Fossil Ancestral forms, and considering that Evolution Theory infers “Humans were Tree Dwelling Apes only 3.5 Million Years Ago;” It almost seems, as though..: The “Common Ancestry of all Life” theory, and the assumption “Tree-Dwelling Apes became a Walking Talking Man,” is a hypothesis Dreamt-Up by Delusional, Intellectually Dishonest Individuals… 🤔

Comments Welcome! 👋


@SeaScience Film Labs

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