The Great White Brotherhood – The Master Puppeteers Of Mankind

1 year ago

Many of us like to demonize people like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, George Soros, and others who are blatantly involved in destroying mankind. It is rightfully so that we do ascribe ultimate evil to these purveyors of evil and abomination. We however sometimes fail to realize that these families and others are just errand boys for spiritual beings that call themselves by human names and titles. These are the entities described in Ephesians chapter six, the Rulers of Darkness, the Principalities, The Powers, and those who are spiritually wicked and inhabit high places. Just like there is a hierarchy of angelic hosts, there is a hierarchy of fallen angelic and demonic forces. The lower of these forces interface with evil humans to plan the destruction of Yahweh’s creation and his finest creation, humankind. Tonight, we’ll look at some of these entities so that you can know who they are and whom to pray against.

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